Features: 8 mm strong tuning lugs 4 mm traditional TTR-Rims Includes: Conga Saver (patented), MEINL Soundpads, Accessory pouch...
Features: tonal range: c2 to a3 16 bars C major scale sound bar material: steel, 20 x 2 mm sound bar color red fundamental tun...
The Glockenspiel for Elementary Music Education! SONOR NG-Glockenspiels are the most popular within the range. Children are fa...
Features: Resonator box made of birchwood, ply-wood
For professional music lessons, these instruments fulfill every need. The bars of the glockenspiels are made of a special stee...
Easy entry into the world of music. For children age 4 years and higher. Set consists of: Glockenspiel made of solid wood pre...
Angel Glockenspiel AX2081, 8 Note Step Glockenspiel
Die Einzelstabelemente von Studio 49 gen?gen h?chsten Anforderungen und finden ihre Bestimmung in der musikalischen Fr?herzieh...
SKM, TAKM and GBKM metallophones have special alloy metal sound bars with overtone tuning or fundamental tuning. All resonator...
Features: Tonal range: c1 to a2 16 bars: c1, d1, e1, f1, f-sharp1, g1, a1, b-flat1, b1, c2, d2, e2, f2, f-sharp2, g2, a2 C maj...
Chromatic extension for TAKX 100. SONOR TAKX 200 Xylophon Features: Sound bar color: yellow Sound bar width: 38 mm Sound bar...
Diese edeln, handgemachten Hand Chimes (10er Set) aus dem Hause Percussion Plus sind der ...
8 note Chime bar set C52 to C64. Supplied with beaters. Shown 2nd row up on the right PERCUSSION PLUS PP932 Chime Bar Set Fea...
PERCUSSION PLUS Alto Metallophone Model PP019, diatonic. Perfect for kindergartenns and schools with the notes C40 - A61.
Features: 16 Notes: c2, d2, e2, f2, fis2, g2, a2, b2, h2, c3, d3, e3, f3, fis3, g3, a3 C-Major Scale Palisono sound bars, 38 x...